Julia Suh ― The Mantra Co.

by Grace Chung

How has the city of Los Angeles inspired you and your business? What makes it ideal to root your business here?

Los Angeles holds a lot of inspiring energy where opportunities are endless. It feels like everyone’s working towards a goal here. That energy is contagious and keeps me coming back for more whether that would be for markets, meetings, or events. This city will help you connect with like minded individuals and bring purpose to your brand. 

What/who inspires you and your business?

My online community inspires my business. The reason why The Mantra Co. is alive is because of them. I’m so grateful to have built such a wonderful community that guides and supports me. I hope I can continue to do the same for them.

How did you come up with and decide on the name for your business?

The definition of a mantra is words of affirmation that bring peace and contentment to one’s soul. It is a statement used in repetition to set a person up for success. A reminder to keep a positive mindset and focus on the end goal. A way for people to pave their own reality and future.

The Mantra Collective started off as an online destination for daily empowerment through mantras and quotes. It quickly evolved into a lifestyle brand that encompasses all areas of wellness, yet still keeping mantras as its core. The Mantra Co. is a safe space for anyone on their journey striving to be their highest selves. They come here to be educated, inspired, and practice mantras. 

Why did you start your own business? 

I’ve always been a creator. I love starting projects, building from the ground up, and seeing things come into fruition. The love is mutual when helping others as well.

To be honest, this brand happened so naturally without expectations. I believe it’s because I merged passion with compassion in an authentic way resulting in the company being what it is today.

The Mantra Collective is just the start of my personal journey. It’s a platform that groups my interests and talents together helping serve others.  

If you told the younger you what you were doing now, how would they react and what would they think?

The younger Julia would be quite impressed. My 20’s were filled with a lot of indecisiveness and hesitation, so if she saw how certain and confident I am with myself now, she’d be in awe. 

You’re invited onto carpool karaoke. What songs would you lip sync to and which celebrity would be in the car with you?

We Belong Together by Mariah Carey! But I wouldn’t be lip syncing, I’d be singing my heart out because I know every single word of that song and I never get tired of singing it. 

I would definitely sing with James Corden because he’s the king of carpool karaoke and I have a feeling he knows that.

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